Furlishous Dog​ and Cat Grooming Salon
& Dog Grooming School, Telephone 01623 411104
51a Kirklington Road, Bilsthorpe, Notts, NG22 8RT . City &Guilds Centre number 009701, UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) is : 10090093. ​
Quality with every groom
Quality with every groom
Lisa, salon owner and groomer at Furlishous
has won multiple awards for her top-quality handstripping and super cute Asian fusion.

Mastergroom 2015
Lisa and the lovely but lively Greta, Brussels Griffon, during competition
Lisa and Greta placing 1st in the Handstrip class, pictured with judge Jennifer Lee (USA)

Mas​tergro​ om Award, 1st place Handstrip
Premier Groom 2015
Cheeky Gainor, Brussels Griffon, to start the competition looking all scruffy

Freshly handstripped and awaiting results, time for a selfie
Premier groom 2015, silver place for Handstripping